
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108.00 €  ( 216€ )
  • Medical Center

    DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67.20 €  (84€)

New products

Terms and conditions of use for module providers


Rule S1

Products and modules provided on DoliStore are submitted by any supplier with an account on platform, with no need to be affiliated to the Dolibarr foundation (this may change in future).

Only modules published under an approved OSI licence can be published. Also if your module is a derivative work of Dolibarr (use Dolibarr components, files or API, this is the case for 99% of modules) your licence must be compatible with the GPL v3+ license of Dolibarr. If license is not provided, you accept to have your module being distributed under the GPL v3+ licence.

Rule S2

The seller can send an invoice to the Dolibarr foundation, to received payments of its purchased module/products, 1 month after the purchase (this laps of time is used to cancel the payment at the buyer request). The seller will receive 80% of gains made by the foundation.

A seller can claim money only if total amount is more or equals to 50 euros (for Europe), or 100 euros (for non euro countries). Requests are limited to 1 per month maximum.

Payment can be made:

- by SEPA transfer to a bank account in EURO.

- Either via card payment (the seller must then provide the interface to allow payment)

- Either by payment via Paypal (the seller must then provide his Paypal account).


Rule S3

A) The seller must provide into product description, all mandatory information, this means at least:

* a short description.

* module version

* name of author and licence.

* one photo (one required, but several recommended)

* if help support is available or not, if yes, how. If no support is provided, this must appears.

If the module is not free, a valid support link is mandatory. A description of the module is required for all langues available even if it's a copy past of English description for all languages. In the support message, the seller can say that the support language is only English for exemple. A link to a demo version is not mandatory but fairly welcome.

* the Dolibarr version the module is compatible with (both minimum and maximum version must be provided. Must be values with format x.y.z, "dev" is not allowed as a value since it is not a version and * is allowed only for third part of version, like x.y.*).

B) Rules on links or mention of other web sites

Additional information links can be included, but only in the long description field. The number of external links is limited to 10. Links can refer to an external web site that provide one of the following service (and exclusively services into this list): demo, documentation, contact, forums, issue tracker, code sources or social networks (so links to another downloadable file or to another market place is not allowed for example. A link to a not found or 404 error page are also not allowed).

In addition, these links must not point to a url or an url leading after redirection to a site whose domain name does not respect the rules for using the name "Dolibarr" or "Dolistore" defined on this page. If the site or page to which the link points has sub-sections where the same module is also for sale, the price must not be lower then the one on Dolistore.

You can sell your module from any other platform at any price, but it is not allowed to put on the dolistore product descriptions or notes, some links or mentions to other "selling" platforms where your product can also be available. If such links are found somewhere in module's description card, the foundation can remove it from description or completely disable the module or the seller account.

C) Rules on packaging

All module that do not respect conditions explain here : will not be validated and remove from DoliStore

D) Disabling modules

If something is wrong, or if Dolibarr compatible version is too old, the Dolibarr foundation can suspend the entry without any other reason. If the same module is found to be deactivated 3 times following a violation of the previous rules, the module will either be permanently deactivated, or kept but the price will be forced to zero (in accordance with the right to distribute the module for free, attributed by its GPL license). Likewise if the author of a module does not respect the rules of use of the Dolibarr or DoliStore brand (See here), its modules may also be withdrawn from sale or kept but with a price forced to zero (in accordance with the right to distribute the module for free, granted by its GPL license). 

Rule S4

When several modules, compatible with same version of Dolibarr, are too similar, the foundation reserves the right not to validate the modules submitted after the first, in order to avoid copying and pasting module (possible by the GPL). If a module is not updated within 4 months after the release of a new version of Dolibarr, the foundation will accept the module is published by another vendor (than original author) that had ported the module in the recent version of Dolibarr, in order to avoid that some modules are abandoned. Furthermore, the association may, without warning, disable modules on too old version of Dolibarr.

When and why a payment if software has an Open-Source Licence (GPL, ...) ?

A lot of products available on this market place are free of charge and can be downloaded directly from this market place. No payment is required in this case.

However, some authors decide to charge something to distribute their works. There is no problem to conciliate both approaches (Price to distribute code versus OpenSource licence): The Free Software Foundation, that has created the GNU GPL Licence, one of the most used licence for OpenSource software, allows and encourages this, and provides some explanations on this page :