Verify Stock


Verify Stock is a module that helps you check stock data integrity. It checks product stock data recorded by Dolibarr for each product against the stock movements. It also provides a tool to get product stock a any given time in the past.

19.20 €

  • Author Massaoud Bouzenad
  • Module version 1.3
  • Release date 01/26/2019
  • Compatibility Dolibarr3.7.x - 15.0.1
  • Last update 01/02/2025 05:03 PM

More info

Module version: 1.3
Editeur/Licence: Massaoud Bouzenad / AGPL
Langage interface: English, Français.



  • Dolibarr min version: 3.7.x
  • Dolibarr max version:15.0.1



Verify Stock is a module that helps you check stock data integrity.
It checks product stock data recorded by Dolibarr for each product against the stock movements.
It also provides a tool to get product stock a any given time in the past.



login: demo

password: 1234


Change Log:

 Added search in products list when displaying a past stock status.


Product Enquiry:

If you need more infos about this product or our other services we provide, please do not hesitate to send us an email at [email protected]



  • Module is then available and can be activated.