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List of products invoiced by customer


This module allows you to know the list of products that have been invoiced for a customer over a given period.

49.00 €

  • Author NORD ERP CRM
  • Module version 1.0.0
  • Release date 02/16/2023
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility Dolibarr15 - 20
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:50 PM

More info




Editeur : NORD ERP CRM
Licence : GPL v3
Compatibilité: Dolibar 15x - 20x
Version du module: 1.3
Langue: FR


This module allows you to know the list of products that have been invoiced to a customer over a given period. 
This list is exportable in xls. A useful module, for example, to know the most ordered products by a customer over a month, a quarter, a year..

Access to module updates for 1 year after purchasing the module, as well as corrective maintenance in the event of a technical anomaly on the module.
For any request for technical support, please contact us only by email at [email protected] by giving us the version of your Dolibarr, the type of hosting, a detailed description of the problem and any screenshots.
If you need help installing the module or using it, please ask us for a quote.

Démo version here


Documentation here
Support  by mail:       [email protected]
Spécialiste DOLIBARR 

Organisme de Formations certifié QUALIOPI dans la catégorie actions de formation

Contact: [email protected]