New products

  • capVeriFEC

    Check FEC file generated by dolibarr export before sending to your accounter

    180.00 €
  • Supplier Quote Input: Supplier quotes from quotes / customer orders and simplified tracking

    Quickly create price requests to several suppliers and much more! The “Supplier Quote Input” module is a powerful and intuitive tool that transforms the way you manage supplier quotes in Dolibarr. With this module, you can quickly create requests for quotations from your Dolibarr quotes or orders, and send them simultaneously to several suppliers.

    276.00 €



It facilitates purchasing by quickly comparing prices between suppliers, even if they use different currencies. Additionally, it provides a multi-language web form so that suppliers can register their prices for your purchase. Once you have selected a supplier for each product, the system automatically creates the orders in Dolibarr.

60.00 €

  • Author IMASDEWEB
  • Module version 2.5.1
  • Release date 11/26/2017
  • Access to updates and downloads 3650 days
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility DolibarrV21 - V21
  • Last update 01/31/2025 06:02 AM

More info

Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Sergi Rodrigues (IMASDEWEB) / GPL3
User interface language: English / Catalan / Spanish / Polish / French
Help/Support: IMASDEWEB 

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto


  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site
  • Create the directory: /htdocs/custom/purchases
  • Put the content of the ZIP file into that directory
  • On your Dolibarr panel enable the module: Setup -> Modules

Module features: Presentation in 10 slides

This Purchases module has been developed as an assistant that allows us to quickly and easily make the purchase of X products:

  • Being able to compare prices from several suppliers, even in different currencies.
  • Being able to send by mail with a single click invitations to our selected suppliers to visit a link with which they access a simple multi-language form in which they can capture the prices for us, decline or confirm the sale of any of the requested products, and add some extra comment about delivery and/or payment conditions.
  • Being able to modify / add / remove prices from any supplier to any product from that same price table, with just two clicks.
  • Being able to create the corresponding orders also with two clicks, filling automatically with all the information of each supplier and the products.

In short, an interface easier and more agile to use, that allows you to do the same thing that you can already do with the native Dolibarr interface but in a much more comfortable way. Well, in Dolibarr it would be very difficult to compare the prices of each product for each supplier and then assemble the different orders. And obviously there is no way to suppliers capture the prices you need.

List of my modules for sale:

  1. AI Assistants
    (All your users can use generative AI at minimal cost)
  2. Ticket Plus & HelpDesk
    (Provides a user-friendly public portal for mobile phones)
  3. Yearly Invoices Statistics
    (FREE - Customer and Supplier Invoices Annual Statistics Graphs)
  4. Search for help in forums
    (FREE - Facilitates searching in Dolibarr community forums)
  5. TOTP 2FA Login
    (Two-factor authentication for login)
  6. Solarized Theme
    (Solarized Dark & Light Theme, based on Eldy official theme)
  7. Dark Theme
    (Dark Theme, based on Eldy official theme)
  8. Stock transfers
    (make easier to move stock between your warehouses)
  9. Purchases
    (make easier to compare prices from suppliers and make purchase orders)