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Manage your order priorities more easily by displaying all the lines of your sales orders to be shipped. The module also offers you the possibility of filtering by displaying only the remainders.
Editor : ELONET Licence : GPL v3 Compatibility: Dolibar 9x - 20x - multicompany |
Version : 2.7 Langue: FR |
The "order lines" module allows you to display the list of all the order lines to be shipped. The display is in the standard format of Dolibarr lists. The list of order lines to ship is accessible from the orders submenu. With one click you can also display only your back orders and recreate commands with them if necessary.
So your logistics know exactly which products to ship and can manage their priorities. Support and access to updates for 1 year after purchasing the module.
DEMO Démo version here |
DOCUMENTATION Documentation here |
SUPPORT Support by mail: [email protected]
Suivi commandes clients dans les commandes fournisseur | Suivi Ca et Marges | Import de produits avec variantes | Mise à jour en masse des tarifs fournisseur |
Module réalisé par ELONET | |
Spécialiste DOLIBARR intégration - maintenance - développements spécifiques Contact: [email protected] |
En partenariat avec NORD ERP CRM | |
Formations DOLIBARR Organisme de Formations datadocké Contact: [email protected] |