
  • Advanced Professional Gantt Dolibarr

    Would you like to see your project evolve in an efficient and structured way? The Gantt Professional Advanced Module allows you to manage all your projects in one place, without the need to use Gantt Project. We believe that you can effectively manage your projects with the right tools in place, and the Gantt Professional Advanced Module is one of them.

    360.00 €  ( 720€ )
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108.00 €  ( 216€ )

New products

  • dolidrive - external GED from NextCloud

    Use a remote nexcloud share as an external source for dolibarr GED.

    180.00 €
  • Ultimatepdf 21.0.0

    A true Swiss knife for customizing your documents (orders, shipments, invoices with LCR, intervention forms, projects, proposals, supplier orders and invoices...). The module's administration allows you to manage your personal graphic charter as well as numerous settings.

    240.00 €

Mass produced price changes


The module dolibarr "Mass Price Category" allows you to easily and quickly update the price of your products by combining the categories on which you want to intervene.

72.00 €

  • Author Iouston
  • Module version 1.0.0
  • Release date 12/31/2020

More info

→ Éditor : iouston - / AGPL

→ Module version : auto

Compatibility : Dolibarr auto auto

→ Language :

→ Technical assistance : per ticket from Monday to Friday

→ Documentation : Available online

→ Demonstration : online, with login : demo and password : demo

→ Detailed description : 

  • The dolibarr "mass price category" module is a powerful and practical module that allows you to update the selling prices of your products and services by combining the following categories
  • This module can combine instructions based on the categories of your products to make mass price changes.
  • You can combine instructions with the AND operator and the EXCEPT operator.
    For example, you can easily update all the products of the category "Boards" EXCEPT those of the sub-category "Oak boards".
  • You can also update the prices of all products in the category "Laptops" AND "Tablets" EXCEPT "Asus laptops".
  • This module offers an infinite choice of combinations according to your categories
  • The module allows you to set a fixed price or to make a percentage variation.
  • Even better, the module records the changes in the rates charged and allows you to go back in case of an error!