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Users restrictions - Blockages


This module limits user actions: blocking outstanding amounts, restricting actions on suppliers, customers, quotes, invoices, and orders. Example: preventing quote/invoice validation if outstanding exceeds the limit, approval system for supplier orders/invoices based on conditions, and restricting customer discount modifications.

180.00 €

  • Module version 1.9.9
  • Release date 10/06/2020
  • Access to updates and downloads 180 days

More info


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Users rectrictions - blocking

➦ Editor : Inovea Conseil
➦ Version : auto
➦ Compatibility : Dolibarr auto - auto
➦ Languages : FR EN

Module description

Detailed description of features:
The module allows you to choose, as an admin, the restrictions/limitations/blockings that you want to activate among all the possible ones.

“Block in progress” side
- Alert system if customer outstanding is reached/exceeded
- Customer invoicing blocked if authorized outstanding is exceeded
- Block creation of quotes and customer orders if the authorized outstanding amount is exceeded

"Suppliers" side
- Blocking of supplier invoicing if no order AR deposited in the supplier order (documents attached to the supplier order)
- Blocking of supplier invoice payment entry if the copy of the invoice has not been deposited (attached documents of the supplier invoice)
- System for blocking the creation of supplier invoices not resulting from an order with the possibility of "Requesting approval" from a defined approver
- Supplier order validation/approval blocking system with the possibility of "Requesting approval" by email to his hierarchical superior

"Customers" side
- Limitation of the choice of payment conditions for a new customer
- Blocking of the modification of customer discounts (fixed and relative)
- Limit access and/or actions on customer payment information (dedicated tab)

"Projects" side
- Restriction of document validation if no project is linked (quote, order, customer invoice)

Permissions allow you to override the restrictions set for authorized users only. By default, restrictions apply to all users.


  • You will find attached the module documentation
  • Documentation (FR )


Purchase includes :

  • User guide
  • Access to 6 month updates
  • Corrective maintenance in the event of a proven malfunction

Purchase does not includes :

Support & Assistance Inovea Conseil

If you notice a malfunction of the module, access the support link below with all the information necessary to process your request :

  • Module version and Dolibarr version ?
  • Detailed problem encountered: when does it occur ?
  • How to reproduce it ? (with screenshot)

Remember to read the user documentation before sending us a request ! You may find your answer there.

  • Inovea-Conseil-Support-ERP-DOLIBARR

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