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Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
AploseFramework is used by many Aplose modules and provides essential features for integration with Dolibarr.
The commmissions module allow to manage commercial agents commissions; commissions are calculated on turnover or on margin and are based on orders, on invoices or on payments (full or partial). For Dolibarr v10 and more.
Editor : Altairis Licence: GPL V3 Dolibarr : from 10 Languages : French, English |
This module allow you to manage your sales representatives' commissions.
You can define your commissioning rules and Dolibarr calculates the commissions according to your criterias.
Choose you calculus method : Commissions can be calculated on your turnover or on your margins.
You can choose to take into account closed orders, validated invoices, partial or complete payments and finally, invoices classified as paid.
Manage commissions as you like according to :
You can also limit the commissioning to contacts of an invoice/order (if not, it applies to contacts of a document and to the saleperson linked to the client).
Compatibility and conformity of the Commissions module : This module does not question the conformity to the french law of finances from 2016.
Buying this module gives you access to one year of corrective maintenance. This corrective maintenance does not include help to use the module or user support, only bugs correction, providing good use of the module as intended, and within the compatible version of Dolibarr.
For any inquires, you can open a ticket via our support page.
Download the archive .zip of the module.
The module can then be activated and configuré.
Before any installation or updates, please make sure that the module is officially compatible with your version of Dolibarr.
The latest versions of our modules can be found on Dolistore and our own website.
Access to updates of our modules is free for 1 year as from the purchase date.