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    360.00 €  ( 720€ )
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    108.00 €  ( 216€ )

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CRM Enhanced


A module dedicated to advanced CRM management. It allows you to keep track of interactions with third parties and their contacts. Every sellers action towards third parties is recorded and cataloged. Any mail sent is registered and cataloged. The management of Sales campaigns is possible. Actions can generate events on the agenda. Each action can be associated to documents. Analysis and reports

348.00 €

  • Author OPG
  • Module version 2.2.0
  • Release date 06/14/2019
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 days
  • How to contact support Mail [email protected]
  • Compatibility DolibarrV6 - V21
  • Last update 02/12/2025 09:39 AM

More info



Keep track of every customer interaction via the Enhanced CRM module


The "Advanced CRM" module inserts a series of features typical of a CRM program into Dolibarr.
It is based on the concept of activities: each third party is associated with the activities of CRM, which identify a specific relationship that our seller has made to the customer.
The activities contain all the information (date, average used, purpose, the requested contact, ...) of the relationship with customers, prospects or suppliers

Through these you get:

• the image of relationships with each individual third party
• the global image of the internal marketing and commercial network

Other characteristics:

  •  Activities can be grouped into campaigns, in order to obtain statistical data on the performance of various company campaigns    
  • It is possible to generate an event related to the activity on the seller's calendar
  • It is possible to assign the next action to a seller and insert this action on the personal agenda of the latter
  • It is possible to analyze the results of CRM activities and export the analyzes to Excel or CSV
  • The emails sent to third parties are included in the list of activities of the same.
  • It is possible to connect with the SendinBlue module, thus giving the possibility of:
    - make mass mailings of emai to contacts belonging to a group or with specific characteristics
    - monitor the performance of the emails sent (deliveries, openings, clicks and bounces)

Publisher/Licence: Marcello Gribaudo / AGPL

User interface language: English Français Español Italiano
For contacts: i[email protected]

User documentation: Manual Enhanced CRM

Demo      : Demo
User        : demo
Password : demo