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Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
The Sent Email Tracking module in Dolibarr allows users to track in real-time the status of emails sent to their clients or partners directly from the system.
This module allows you to manage Pivot reports (Tables and Charts) from SQL queries. It is provided with 17 predefined SQL queries and 40+ predefined reports. You can add your own SQL queries. Then you can add your own Pivot reports (Tables and / or Charts) by simple settings (selections in lists for some parameters and Drag & Drop for others)
Module version: auto
(IMPORTANT : please do the following if you are updating from an old version :
- deactivate the module
- remove the entire module directory
- upload the new version
- reactivate the module)
Publisher/Licence: ProgSI / AGPL
User interface language: English / French
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]
Q. I do not know SQL, can I use the module?
A. Yes, the module comes with 40+ predefined reports that can be very useful to you
You can modify them or create variants for your needs without touching the underlying SQL code (see the doc).
If, despite everything, the report you need can not be created from what is provided as standard, contact us by describing what you are looking for.