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It facilitates purchasing by quickly comparing prices between suppliers, even if they use different currencies. Additionally, it provides a multi-language web form so that suppliers can register their prices for your purchase. Once you have selected a supplier for each product, the system automatically creates the orders in Dolibarr.
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Sergi Rodrigues (IMASDEWEB) / GPL3
User interface language: English / Catalan / Spanish / Polish / French
Help/Support: IMASDEWEB
Module features: Presentation in 10 slides
This Purchases module has been developed as an assistant that allows us to quickly and easily make the purchase of X products:
In short, an interface easier and more agile to use, that allows you to do the same thing that you can already do with the native Dolibarr interface but in a much more comfortable way. Well, in Dolibarr it would be very difficult to compare the prices of each product for each supplier and then assemble the different orders. And obviously there is no way to suppliers capture the prices you need.
List of my modules for sale: