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AploseFramework is used by many Aplose modules and provides essential features for integration with Dolibarr.
This module will provide you complementary administration tools for Dolibarr in a single package : an easy module installer, a file manager, a backup configurator, a database manager and a Dolibarr files integrity checker
Package version: auto
Publisher/Licence: LIBRE EXPERT/ AGPL
User interface language: English, French
Help/Support: Contact form (FR, EN)
Works with Dolibarr versions from
up toThis module will provide you with complementary administration tools for Dolibarr in a single package :
- an easy module installer (to use files from the Dolistore)
- a file manager (copy, move, delete, archive, edit, rename, view, search)
- a backup configurator : incremental storage, report by email (works together with cron, bash and tar)
- a database manager (insert / modify / delete data, create / modify / delete tables, export / import data, pass SQL commands, etc ...)
- a Dolibarr files integrity checker (to keep an eye on modifications)
Added database manager and corrected a few bugs
Correct display of characters other than Latin characters.