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The Delivered - Sold Products module enables detailed tracking of received, delivered, and sold products in Dolibarr. It provides a clear view of stock movements and helps optimize product management based on sales and supplies.
Prestashop and Dolibarr synchronization module to synchronize datas from your PrestaShop store with your Dolibarr in real time or on demand. You can synchronize prospects, customers, product categories, product (image, barcode, inventory), orders, bills and statutes Exculsivity of our module : sync status bilaterally and support large volumes
The first Prestashop to Dolibarr Module comes back in OpenSource version.
You can try it for free :
And buy it here if you like it
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This multi module (one Prestashop and one Dolibarr) lets you synchronise all of your PrestaShop stores with Dolibarr.
It allows synchronization of:
1. Your customers, intelligently sorted prospects or customers in Dolibarr.
2. Your categories.
3. Your products, stored in their categories with their picture, barcode and inventory sorted according to your warehouse.
4. Your orders with repercussion of internal links to your internal products and your internal customers into Dolibarr.
5. Bills with also impact internal links to your products and your customers into Dolibarr.
6. Orders statuts update from dolibarr to prestashop and from Prestashop to Dolibarr it's an exclusivity of our module
The module works by communicating with Dolibarr by imporved web-services. So you can have your PrestaShop and your Dolibarr on two different machines.
The Prestashop to Dolibarr Pro module is a module able to synchronize big data. This, with an auto-stop technology and intelligent recovery that will stop communicating himself before time-out of the server. And, with our technology you can sync all your data without server crashes and can catch without duplicates up as we can see in other similar modules. Moreover, when a phase shift occurs, a notification is inserted into PrestaShop.
This module is distributed by Prestashop and Dolibarr market place
Install and configure :
Module Version: 1.9
Publisher / License: PJ-Conseil / AGPL
User interface language: French, English, Spanish
Help / Support: [email protected]