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The Delivered - Sold Products module enables detailed tracking of received, delivered, and sold products in Dolibarr. It provides a clear view of stock movements and helps optimize product management based on sales and supplies.
Use a remote nexcloud share as an external source for dolibarr GED.
Genuine Swiss Army Knife to customize your documents (order, shipment, invoice lcr, fichinter, project, proposal, orders and supplier invoices). The administration module allows you to manage your personal graphic and numerous settings.
Module version: 3.7.x
Updated on 15/10/2015
Publisher/Licence: Philippe GRAND / GPL
User interface language: English
Help/Support: mail to [email protected]
- Add a dotted line between lines of products/services.
- Display folding mark at third of page
- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Proposals
- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Orders
- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Invoices
- Do not repeat the header if there are multiple pages
- Display another logo that the company logo.
- Hide RIB part of the bank account.
- Change the height of the placeholder for free text block
- Displaying a background image on your documents.
- Show block: "Good for Agreement"
- View the signature of the representative in charge in the public block note.
- Display Thirdparty barcode within Proposals, Orders, Expeditions and Invoices.
- Display ThirdpartyQRcode within Proposals, Orders, Expeditions and Invoices.
- Display or mask LS and LR columns on expeditions.
- Add and merge one or more pdf to your proposals, Invoices or Orders.
- Add and configure a specific line using dictionaries and extrafields on your proposals, Invoices or Orders.
-Choise your bank account on invoices.