
  • Medical Center

    DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    84.00 €

New products

  • Sanitary Register

    With this module you can create a new object as Sanitary register or a Patent then assign this object to a product or products. It have expire date and notify you when is close to expire.

    36.00 €
  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72.00 €



This module adds tracking of stock coverage by product

120.00 €

  • Module version 1.1.0
  • Compatibility 18 - 20
  • Release date 2024-11-29 11:51:08
  • Last update 2025-01-02 16:43:10
  • How to contact support

More info




Editeur : NORD ERP CRM
Licence : GPL v3
Compatibilité: Dolibar 18 et +
Version du module: 1.1
Langue: FR


Thanks to this module you can monitor the stock coverage of your products:

- the number of days used for calculating stock coverage is configurable
- addition of a list of products with their sales statistics and their stock coverage
- the alert threshold is configured
- ability to display only products on alert
- possibility of including products without sales over the period

Access to module updates for 1 year after purchasing the module, as well as corrective maintenance in the event of a technical anomaly on the module.
For any request for technical support, please contact us only by email at by giving us the version of your Dolibarr, the type of hosting, a detailed description of the problem and any screenshots.
If you need help installing the module or using it, please ask us for a quote.

Démo version here


Documentation here
Support  by mail:
Spécialiste DOLIBARR 

Organisme de Formations certifié QUALIOPI dans la catégorie actions de formation
