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Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
This module simplifies Dolibarr workflow for creating customer orders and related documents (expedition, BOL, invoice) with just a few clicks. PDF generation and PDF merge are included with a custom number of pages/include for each document.
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Milen Karaganski / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]
## Features
This module simplifies Dolibarr workflow for the creation of customer orders and related documents (expedition, delivery and invoice) with just a few clicks. PDF generation and PDF merge options are included, with the ability to specify custom number of pages(copies) for each document
## General Usage
Install the module, adjust its settings and click "QUICK GENERATE" on the customer order page. Order validation is not necessary (the module will validate it by itself). ## Options - Generate shipment (expedition) - Generate BOL (Delivery receipt) - Generate invoice - Validate all documents, including the customer order - Generate PDF's for all generated documents - Merge all PDF's into one file
## Usage
### If customer order is already generated and validated:
Go to a customer order card and you will see a button "Quick Generate" - Current customer order will be used to generate the documents
### If customer order is not generated
Go to the customer proposal and generate customer order OR Go to a customer card and you will see a button "Quick Generate". You will be presented with a list of the open (unsigned) proposals for this customer