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Connect your profile to generate shipments from Dolibarr project or invoice
This module is integrated with Dolibarr into the digital labor day register, updated with Ley 8/2019. Allows the input to be stored and activated automatically, it can be managed transparently and it can be accessed securely from any device.
Are you a recruitment firm or headhunter startup? The TALENT PLUS RECRUITMENT FIRM MANAGEMENT Module allows you to manage recruitment activity within your structure either internally or externally for other companies if you are recruiters or headhunters.
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Description & Fonctionnalités
Talent Plus Recruitment Firm Management Are you a recruitment firm or headhunter startup?
The TALENT PLUS RECRUITMENT FIRM MANAGEMENT Module allows you to manage recruitment activity within your structure either internally or externally for other companies if you are recruiters or headhunters. The module allows you to: - manage recruitment for your recruitment firm; - Launch positions you are looking for; - find and enter applications for each position; - enter all the information on a profile: Professional experience, level of education, personal information, CV, cover letter, department, city ... etc. - enter the recruitment manager; - generate the list of applications for each position; - freely add additional fields: possibility of having the extra Fields functions on the "Positions" and "Application" forms, - the module is adaptable to your own activity thanks to the extra Fields tool and functions; - enter the project managers; - advanced search tool on the module: which allows you to search for applications, positions or jobs, or by city, department, or by level of education, city of origin, technical tools mastered ... etc. - you have an advanced search engine on the module base.
Demo Module Talent Plus Recruitment Firm Managementdemo/demo
If you order our module you benefit from:
- free installation and configuration assistance - free help in case of bug or module malfunction - the addition of new functionalities or options specifically adapted to your needs. |
Démonstration | Mises à jour et disponibilité Les mises à jour correctives du module seront publiées sur le dolistore. |
Support We are available for any questions. If you have a problem with the operation of the module, please give us detailed information so that we can understand and reproduce the behavior. Email: [email protected] |
More than 100 Modules available in Dolistore: ![]() |