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Dunning 19


The Dunning module offers a pre-filtered overview of all overdue invoices, an overview of the dunning levels sent to date for each invoice and the simultaneous creation of dunning notices for multiple invoices. New features for Dolibarr 19: - Mass mailing via the dunning list - Dispatch of the reminder with attached invoice

454.80 €

  • Author BasiX IT Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
  • Module version 2.3.240620
  • Release date 07/17/2024
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 days
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility DolibarrV19
  • Last update 02/07/2025 03:05 PM

More info

Publisher/Licence: Basix IT GmbH / GPL-v3
User interface language: german
Hilfe/Support: Forum Dolibarr Basix / Mail an [email protected]

With this module you can easily create reminders for due invoices. On the left in the menu you will now find the menu item "Reminders", here you have an overview of all invoices that have already reached or exceeded the due date and can take direct action. The module also contains ready-made e-mail templates for the respective reminders.

The list of invoices has been extended by a display for the reminder levels, so that it is also possible to see at a glance when a reminder has been created for the due invoice.

The module enables the creation and sending of reminders as PDF by email or by post in three reminder levels.
A new page "Customer invoices with payment arrears" gives an overview of all reminders created or to be created.
There you can create and send reminders for individual invoices as well as reminders per mass actions.
The reminders are created and sent one after the other in three dunning levels (reminder, second reminder, last reminder).

The content of the dynamically generated reminders can be freely adapted via the adaptation of ODT templates for all three dunning levels.

The content of the emails with which the reminder PDFs are sent can also be freely edited via a Dolibarr text template. Placeholders enable the creation of variable parts in the mails.

New features in this version include

  • Mass mailing via the dunning list
  • Dispatch of the reminder with attached invoice

(The video is in german, we are sorry for the inconvinience)


Install (for Dolibarr v17+):

  • Go to the menu Home - Setup - Modules - Provide an external module and send the ZIP file.
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.
  • For the creation of PDF files for sending reminders, the installation of "LibreOffice" from the Dolibarr server is required. (The executable file "soffice" must be in the search path of the Dolibarr server).


You cannot find a suitable module for your business processes in the DoliStore? Are you interested in your own Dolibarr system or would you like to outsource your existing Dolibarr? Contact us for more information at [email protected] or by phone +49-40-3990-2030.

Note: The module has so far only been tested with the specified version of Dolibarr. In other versions the module may work, but it is not guaranteed. If you have any questions or comments about compatibility with other Dolibarr versions, please contact us at [email protected] /