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Connect your profile to generate shipments from Dolibarr project or invoice
Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
If you're tired of having the phone trace on your ear after contacting customers who aren't paying their bills, you've come to the right place. Let automatic invoice reminders do the job...
Publisher: Libre Master
Licence: GPL
Module version: auto
Compatibility: Dolibarr auto - auto
The module has been translated by a professional (not this page).
You have already kindly followed up him by email but you are looking at his phone number for long minutes with your thumb close to the fingerprint sensor of your cell phone hesitating to call it?
Not sure if the manual reminder can be perceived as pushy or not?
Can't concentrate on your work because that overdue bill is occupying your mind all day?
This module takes care of everything.
I know what it’s like to have a "nice" temperament. We think we have done our job well but some customers never pay if we don't follow up with them.
This module is made to intervene as a first or only method, if your customers read their email regularly (don't buy it otherwise). It will take care of the automatic process but if this method still does not work, you can send one (single) reminder automatically to an assistant or a collection company who can take care of the difficult cases.
I know it may seem very insistent but it works but only and only if the beginning of the message begins with a sentence like "This message is an automatic reminder."
Above all, it must be clear that the message was indeed sent by an emotionless robot.
You must space out reminders according to how often your customers are reading their emails. and taking into account possible payment transaction times.
It is necessary to alternate the content of the messages, the number and frequency of repetition. The first messages must be in a gentle tone and change gradually, evoking the intervention of a bailiff/lawyer.
If you need to interrupt a reminder of an invoice, simply change its payment deadline.
In case of technical problem, contact support and detail your environment as much as possible: version of Dolibarr, web hosting, screenshots, etc.
This module does not include the configuration of your reminders. If you want to delegate the configuration, contact support to obtain one-off intervention packages.
Patch and rolling updates are offered for one years after purchase.
Module updates for versions of Dolibarr that are too old (more than 3 years ago) will be abandoned. So remember to keep your Dolibarr up to date. (The support can help you with updates or other things if necessary).