
  • Advanced Professional Gantt Dolibarr

    Would you like to see your project evolve in an efficient and structured way? The Gantt Professional Advanced Module allows you to manage all your projects in one place, without the need to use Gantt Project. We believe that you can effectively manage your projects with the right tools in place, and the Gantt Professional Advanced Module is one of them.

    360.00 €  ( 720€ )
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108.00 €  ( 216€ )

New products

  • Mass Order Generation

    The “Mass order generation” module enables you to convert your sales proposals into mass orders. It enables you to transform several quotations into separate orders, or to combine several quotations from the same customer into a single order. Save precious time and optimize your sales management!

    90.00 €
  • Input calculator

    With this module you add a popoup calculator beside numeric fields.


MoreActionList: Generator of pdf summaries and editions from native lists


This module allows you to generate customizable summary tables and PDF reports from mass actions by selecting and filtering the elements you wish to analyze or edit.

60.00 €

  • Author Charlene BENKE
  • Module version 1.1.0
  • Release date 01/24/2024
  • Access to updates and downloads 1000 days
  • How to contact support Page de support
  • Compatibility DolibarrV16 - V20   -   PHP7 - 8
  • Last update 02/16/2025 09:14 AM

More info



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Youtube Channel

Module presentation

The MoreActionList module allows from the native parts list (quotes, orders, invoices) to generate two types of reports from a selection of elements. It is possible to generate on the list a Summary Table but also a pdf

Latest developments of the module

21.0.+1.2.0 (2025-03)
  • inf V21 compatibility
20.0.+1.1.0 (2024-07)
  • inf V20 compatibility
19.0.+1.0.0 (2024-02)
  • inf Initial version
  • Supported languages
    French French - English English - Italian Italian - German German 

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