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De-validate Permissions


The "De-validate Permissions" module is a tool that allows you to control and manage the access rights and permissions of users concerning the validation of different commercial transactions within a company.

120.00 €

  • Author Next Gestion
  • Module version 1.1
  • Release date 01/11/2024
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility Dolibarr6.0.0 - 18.0.*
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:46 PM

More info


  • Editeur: NextGestion
  • Version du module: 1.1
  • Compatibilité: Dolibarr 6.0.0 - 18.0.*
Description & Fonctionnalités

De-validate Permissions

The "De-validate Permissions" module is a tool that allows you to control and manage the access rights and permissions of users concerning the validation of different commercial transactions within a company. Here is a detailed description of this module:


1- Objective of the module: This module aims to facilitate the management of authorizations for users with the ability to validate or refuse invoices, orders and commercial proposals for customers and suppliers.


2- Invoice management: The module allows you to determine which users can validate or de-validate customer and supplier invoices. This is essential to ensure that invoices are approved by the appropriate people before being sent to customers or processed for suppliers.


3- Order management: Authorized users will be able to validate or de-validate customer and supplier orders. This feature ensures that orders are placed and processed correctly and comply with internal company rules and processes.


4- Management of commercial proposals: This module also makes it possible to manage authorizations concerning customer and supplier commercial proposals. Authorized users will be able to validate or de-validate these proposals, which ensures that the offers and contracts are in line with company expectations and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.


5- Access control: The "De-validate Permissions" module allows system administrators to define and modify the access permissions of different users. Administrators can grant or revoke commit and decommit permissions for each user based on their responsibilities and role within the organization.


In summary, the "De-validate Permissions" module is a permission management tool that allows you to control user access rights for the validation and de-validation of invoices, orders and commercial proposals with customers and providers. This module ensures better organization and increased compliance with internal processes and applicable regulations.


Démo De-validate Permissions


If you order our module you benefit from:
- free installation and configuration assistance
- free help in case of bug or module malfunction
- the addition of new functionalities or options specifically adapted to your needs.

    1. Télécharger le fichier archive (.zip) sur
    2. Dézipper l'archive dans le répertoire /htdocs/custom de dolibarr.
    3. Le module peut alors être activé (), paramétré () si besoin depuis la page de configuration des modules et enfin utilisé.
Démonstration Mises à jour et disponibilité Les mises à jour correctives du module seront publiées sur le dolistore.
Support We are available for any questions.
If you have a problem with the operation of the module, please give us detailed information so that we can understand and reproduce the behavior.
Email: [email protected]
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