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This module is integrated with Dolibarr into the digital labor day register, updated with Ley 8/2019. Allows the input to be stored and activated automatically, it can be managed transparently and it can be accessed securely from any device.
Automatic translate your products & services database into other languages thanks to online translations tools
This module allows your clients to place an order without logging it into Dolibarr. All they need is their customer code (CUxxxx-xxxxxx)
# Prerequisites
1. Install the module
2. (Optional) Go to module settings and enter the ID of the default warehouse for the orders placed via the form
3. Go to the products you want to be visible on the form and change the field 'Allowed for external sale' to Yes.
4. If your Dolibarr default language is not "en_US", translate the products' names to "en_US"
5. If you want to add another language to the form, send us an email to "[email protected]" and we will do it for free
NOTE: We will only add the language flag and make the form compatible. You will be responsible for the translation of the strings (about 35 strings)
6. Form URL:
Default is "https://your.dolibarr.url/htdocs/custom/externalorder/orderForm.php"
Optional is "https://your.dolibarr.url/htdocs/orderForm.php"
To use the optional URL, copy the content of "COPY_CONTECT_TO_HTDOCS" to "htdocs"
# Usage
- Give the link to your customers
- If the customer has a "Relative discount" set, it will be applied.
- If the customer has a different currency set than the default, all prices will be transformed to customer currency. To do this, module "Multicurrency" must be enabled and a proper rate set.
- Upon order creation, there is a custom field named "External order" that is set to Yes. Thus you will be able to filter orders in list view.
- Order pdf is generated. If a customer has a default language set, the pdf will be in this language.
- If the customers fill in the NOTE field on the form, a "Private note" will be created for the order
You can brand the form as per your needs. To do this, replace the files background.png, header.png and logo.png in "IMG" folder
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Milen Karaganski / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]
Install (For Dolibarr v9+):
Install (For Dolibarr v8-):