New products

  • More lines infos : Suivre le traitement des lignes d'un document

    The **More Lines Infos** module simplifies document management in Dolibarr by adding practical tools to organize and track the processing of document lines. It also provides relevant information on the lines to save you time.

    18.00 €
  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120.00 €

Turnover and margins


Find in a table the follow-up of your turnover and your margin with comparison over the previous period. Report by entity, by month, week or day.

70.80 €

  • Author Elonet
  • Module version 1.0.6
  • Release date 09/10/2021
  • How to contact support [email protected]
  • Compatibility Dolibarr8.0.0 - 20
  • Last update 01/02/2025 04:56 PM

More info


Editor : ELONET
Licence : GPL v3
Compatibility: Dolibar 8x - 20x - multicompany
Version : 1.0.7
Langue: FR


This module allows you to display a monitoring report of your turnover and your margin.
The report table gives you a comparison with the previous period.
The module is multi-company compatible and it is therefore possible to display the report on all the entities or on a specific entity.
A filter can be applied by period and / or by month / year, week or day.
Support and access to updates for 1 year after purchasing the module.



Démo version here


Documentation here
Support  by mail:       [email protected]


Lignes de commande   Suivi commandes clients dans les commandes fournisseur   Import de produits avec variantes     Mise à jour en masse des tarifs fournisseur  


Module réalisé par ELONET
Spécialiste DOLIBARR

intégration - maintenance - développements spécifiques 

Contact: [email protected]
En partenariat avec NORD ERP CRM 
Formations DOLIBARR 

Organisme de Formations datadocké 

Contact: [email protected]